Phishing has been around for quite some time, originating around 1995. Over the years and still today, hackers have utilized phishing to gain access to both individual and business confidential information by sending out emails with malicious links. As with most everything in life, phishing has evolved, growing more sophisticated with each passing year. With the explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the advancement it has and continues to bring across almost every industry, phishing has not been excluded. A recent study found a 60% increase in AI-driven phishing attacks. Unfortunately, AI has made phishing attempts more dangerous than ever. AI has made phishing smarter, more convincing, and harder to detect.

How AI Enhances Phishing
Creating Realistic Messages
AI can analyze huge amounts of data and study how people write and speak. This helps it create realistic phishing messages that sound like they come from a real person. They mimic the tone and style of legitimate communications, making them harder to identify.

Personalized Attacks
AI can gather information from social media and other sources. It uses this information to create personalized messages that include details about your life. They might reference your job, hobbies, or recent activities. This level of personalization increases the chances that you’ll believe the message is real.

Spear Phishing
Spear phishing targets specific individuals or organizations. It’s more sophisticated than regular phishing. AI makes spear phishing even more dangerous as it helps attackers learn about their targets in greater detail. They can craft highly tailored messages that are hard to distinguish from legitimate ones.

Automated Phishing
AI automates many aspects of phishing and can send out thousands of phishing messages quickly. It can also adapt messages based on responses. If someone clicks a link but doesn’t enter information, AI can send a follow-up email. This persistence increases the likelihood of the phishing attempt being successful.

Deepfake Technology
Deepfakes use AI to create realistic fake videos and audio that can then be used in phishing attacks. This adds a new layer of deception making phishing even more convincing. Take for example the finance employee who paid out $25 million after a video call with their CFO.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Business
Be Skeptical
Always be skeptical of unsolicited messages even if they appear to come from a trusted source. Verify the sender’s identity and don’t click on links or download attachments from unknown sources.

Check for Red Flags
Look for red flags in emails such as generic greetings, urgent language, or requests for sensitive information. Be careful – if the email seems too good to be true or an odd request, it probably is!

Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
MFA adds an extra layer of security. Even if an attacker gets your password, they’ll need another form of verification. This makes it harder for them to access your accounts.

Educate Yourself and Others
Education is key. Learn about phishing tactics and stay informed about the latest threats. Share this knowledge with others as this can help people recognize and avoid phishing attacks.

Verify Requests for Sensitive Information
Never provide sensitive information via email. If you receive a request, verify it through a separate communication channel. Contact the person directly using a known phone number or email address.

Use Advanced Security Tools
Invest in advanced security tools. Anti-phishing software can help detect and block phishing attempts. Email filters can screen out suspicious messages. Keep your security software up to date.

Report Phishing Attempts
Report phishing attempts to your IT team or email provider. This helps them improve their security measures and helps protect others from similar attacks.

Enable Email Authentication Protocols
Email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC help protect against email spoofing. Ensure these protocols are enabled for your domain as this adds an extra layer of security to your emails.

Regular Security Audits
Conduct regular security audits. This helps identify vulnerabilities in your systems and addressing them can prevent phishing attacks.

Need Help with Safeguards Against Phishing?
Phishing is a serious threat. AI amplifies the danger, making attacks more convincing and harder to detect. Have you had an email security review lately? Maybe it’s time.

Contact us today to schedule a chat about phishing safety.