Imagine you have a business right now and you decided to put it online. It’s a smart thing to do, you will say to yourself. It is no-brainer that having your product or service offering available online can mean bigger sales potential. But having your business online can also expose your business to many harmful things. And one of the harmful things that you should be cautious of is Ransomware.


What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a malicious software that blocks user access to his online assets. It does this by infiltrating your network and/or  your PC and prevents you from using it or gaining access to it. Usually, you need to pay some ransom to regain access – hence the name “Ransomware”. 

Imagine it like having your child kidnapped by someone and you need to pay the ransom so that you can have your child back. The difference is we are talking about online kidnapping for ransom here. 

Okay, you now have an idea of what Ransomware is. The next question is what are you going to do should it ever happen to you?

Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Below are the steps you should take if Ransomware affects your network. 


What to do in case of a Ransomware attack even if you are not a Techie person?

  • Seek help from an IT Professional immediately

If the Ransomware has hit you, it is always a wise decision to seek advice from the experts. As you can see, Ransomware is pure IT stuff and nobody can help you better than an IT professional.

  • Find out the source of the infected PC or Laptop

Look for the source of the problem so that you know where there was a security breach. It is imperative that you know some important details so that you can explain to your IT professional. 

  • Separate the affected PC or Laptop from the unaffected ones

This is also mandatory because you don’t want to cause more damage than it already has. Separate the infected from the healthy ones so that you avoid more data breaches. 

  • Report it to the Authorities

Always remember that ransomware is a cybercrime. It is the same as kidnapping for ransom but it happens online. It is very important to report this to the police so they can track the hackers. 

  • Inform your Internet Service Provider

Your ISP has the obligation to take precautionary steps against the incident. In this way, they can devise a plan to prevent you and others from future attacks.

  • Perform Back-up to the rest of your files

Do this as soon as you can so that the hackers aren’t able to hold your data. With this, you will have more peace, knowing that most of your data is  as safe as possible. 

  • Alert your Supervisor

Inform your supervisor immediately so that they can best assess the business risk and determine the best way forward.. 

  • Paying the Ransom should be your last resort

You should never pay the ransom immediately, unless it is the last thing to do. Being inflicted with the Ransomware can be emotional and it is tempting to pay right away. It is important to consider all things logical before resorting to paying the ransom. 

We have enlisted the steps in how to mitigate the issue. Let’s now tackle what to do to prevent such issues. 


What to do to prevent Ransomware attacks in the future

  • Always perform frequent backups

With this practice, you can be assured that you have a copy of data secured away. 

  • Track the activities of your employees

Security starts with your employees. It will always work well if prevention starts with them. 

  • Educate your team on best practices for prevention

Let your team know what to do and what not to do. This will reduce the exposure of Ransomware. 

  • Download strong encryption tools

Having these tools will further decrease the confidence of the people behind Ransomware. With these tools, you can reverse the encryption thus gaining back the data from the hackers.

  • Always update your antivirus/anti-malware software

Every day, hackers make new threats online so that they can continue wreaking havoc. At the same time, your anti-virus/anti-malware should be always up to date so that they can fight against it. Having outdated software will increase the chance of the new virus to breach your network.

  • Have a strong firewall installed

Firewalls are gatekeepers in your system. It works by keeping intruders away from entering your network. This will increase your security from the outside. 

  • Do not visit sites that are not secured (https)

Unsecured websites are like soldiers who are not wearing any armor. They are vulnerable to viruses and malware so visiting them is the last thing you should do. 

  • Review the protocols of your security

Take time to inquire from an expert about your security protocols. Check if there are any loopholes or if it needs any upgrades. This will ensure that your security is ready for any threats in your network.

  • Avoid visiting suspicious websites

Suspicious websites are full of malwares and they will trick you into visiting them. When you click or visit them, it is like giving permission to a criminal to go inside your house. 

  •  Make sure your computer OS is always up to date

By updating your OS, you will also update the security features of your PC or laptop. It is like upgrading the immune system of your body to fight the new virus. 

  • There should be a Response Plan should this issue arise again

This is one of the greatest pieces of advice we give you. In the event that this incident will happen again, please make sure you already had a Response Plan. This will ensure the least amount of damage at the fastest time possible to lessen the cost it can incur. 


Key takeaways

In life, you should always be vigilant wherever you go. The same thing goes with your online activity. There are rampant hackers who are ready to take advantage of others. 

One of the most vicious attacks is what we talked about earlier which is Ransomware. You don’t want this difficult hurdle to overcome. 

Don’t panic if your network gets infected. It is always said that panicking can cloud judgment. It also cannot help you in any way. In any situation, it is better to stay calm so that you could assess things well. This is also not different from dealing with Ransomware. 

It can cost you millions in business so it’s best to prevent it in the first place.


If you want to know more about Ransomware then you can schedule a free consultation with a CTS representative.